Starting tomorrow the posts’ theme on my website will temporarily change. I won’t post new content regarding any new programming topics I’m learning, or any new projects on my GitHub. Although I’m still doing that, I just won’t write about it. So why this change? I’ll explain.
I’ll Change The Posts’ Theme Temporarily To Post Some Career Advice
The main reason why I’m changing the posts’ theme for a short amount of time so I can post career advice regarding my current role as a Data Center Technician.
I used to post that content on another domain name I own from late 2023 to the middle of 2024. However, I took down that website after running into some trouble about the interview preparation suggestions for the Data Center Technician role at Google. I either had to edit those posts to remove specific bits of information, or just delete the entire post. At the time I was busy traveling for work and had to move apartments, so it was easier to delete everything.
However, I decided to repost that content on this website with the required edits? Why did I change my mind? I got some messages on LinkedIn from a few people who remembered my content and used it to get a Data Center Technician job at another company. And recently some of teammates who have a short tenure than me said they found my content when they searched online to prepare for their interview.
This got me thinking again about how my content did help so many people. And there are more people who need help navigating the current Tech Job Market. (Note: I’m going to write a post about how the Tech Job Market Isn’t Cooked so look out for that too.)
The upcoming posts are all about how to get a Data Center Technician job, my employment history working in data centers, and the skills one needs to learn or improve to pass the interview and get the job.