The first time I played a video game I was four years old. Later this year I will turn forty-three years old. Video games is my oldest hobby. And it’s a hobby I don’t actively participate in anymore. I stopped playing video games late in 2024 to use that time to improve my programming skills. In this post I’ll explain how I gave up video games so I could use that time to study.
Step #1 On How I Gave Up Video Games: Uninstalled All My PC Games
The first step on how I gave up video games was to uninstall all my PC games from my computer. I went into Steam, Epic, and GoG and uninstalled all the games. This way if I got the urge to play a game I couldn’t because I would have to reinstall it. Even though I have a fast Internet connection, it would probably take about twenty minutes to download and install. By that time the urge to play would probably be gone.
After I uninstalled all the PC games I thought about uninstalling the game clients. At first I didn’t because I found myself not opening the applications because there’s no games available to play. Later on I deleted the Windows 10 partition on my hard drive because I no longer played video games. Thus, I didn’t need that operating system.
Another reason I deleted the partition because I needed to reinstall Windows 10 to resolve a Windows Updates error, and I didn’t want to do that. Frankly, I’m done with Windows.
Step #2 On How I Gave Up Video Games: Ignored My Nintendo Switch
In addition to PC games, I also own a Nintendo Switch. I decided not to play those games either. Even the ones that are still in the plastic wrapping. Yep, I’m that person who purchases games on sale and don’t play them because life got in the way.
Actually, I did more than not touch the console; I’m ignoring it. Right now as I’m typing this sentence I’m looking at my Nintendo Switch in its dock, on my computer desk to the left of my computer monitor. Before it is a Pro Controller. I can’t even tell you the last time I touched either except to move them out of the way.
And, yes, I haven’t turned on the console to run updates. Why install updates when I’m not going to play a game.
How Am I Doing?
How am I doing after giving up my oldest hobby?
Pretty well! I don’t miss video games at all. I do keep up with some news about video games through social media. And my younger brother also informs me about video games from time to time.
Why has this worked out so well for me? Because I replaced video games with programming.
Instead of leveling up in a Role-Playing Game and feeling good for a little bit, I learn a new Python technique and feel great. Or I try out a Python exercise, complete it without outside help, and feel great. I rather level up this way than in a video game. While the latter is fun, it’s not going to help me upgrade my skill-set, or help me get a better job.
Finally, I don’t miss video games because they aren’t going anywhere. I can re-download my PC games, and play my sealed Nintendo Switch games.