
Upgrading from Data Center Tech to Software Engineer

Author: Brittany Gates

  • More Data Center Work Locations In America To Consider

    More Data Center Work Locations In America To Consider

    This post is a sequel to this post about the best data center work locations to work in America. I recorded a video for my YouTube channel about my article. At the end I talked about more data center work locations people should consider. That got me thinking later on: “I need to write another…

  • Google IT Support Certificate: Great For Entry-Level Roles

    Google IT Support Certificate: Great For Entry-Level Roles

    In my short guide on how to get a Data Center Technician role I suggested individuals look into getting the CompTIA A+ Certification. It’s a popular and widely-accepted certification by various employers. However, that certification is getting more and more expensive as the years go by. So what’s a good alternative? Google IT Support Certificate.…

  • Consider Contract Data Center Technician Jobs

    Consider Contract Data Center Technician Jobs

    The previous week I posted content related to getting a Data Center Technician job. This week continues with those posts, and today I want individuals to consider contract Data Center Technician jobs during their search. I understand getting a permanent position is better because it offers better job security, salary, and benefits. That I want…

  • Why I Suggest Data Center Technician Jobs

    Why I Suggest Data Center Technician Jobs

    I’ve spent the last week posting content about how to get a Data Center Technician job. This week I continue with that theme, but in this post I want to explain why. It’s one thing to tell a person to try to get specific role, but sometimes articles or videos don’t explain why. Or they…

  • Physicality Of Data Center Jobs

    Physicality Of Data Center Jobs

    While my goal this week is to help readers get a job in the Data Center Industry, I must be honest about the physicality of data center jobs. These roles require individuals who have the energy and stamina to perform manual labor consistently. As a long-time Data Center Technician myself, I’ll explain the type of…